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They Play in the Palace of My Dreaming

by Gerard Houarner

A Godmother's Gift

by January Mortimer


by Vylar Kaftan


by Sonya Taaffe

Contributor Bios

Volume 1 Issue 2 April, 2007

Author Bios

January Mortimer lives in London with her goldfish and a frightening number of house plants. She is an ecologist, so where ever she is right now, it is probably muddy. Her stories have appeared in Ideomancer, Fantasy Magazine and the anthology Ecotastrophe. For more on her and her work, visit her journal at

Gerard Houarner is a product of the NYC school system who lives in the Bronx, was married at a New Orleans Voodoo Temple, and works at a psychiatric institution. He’s had hundreds of short stories, a few novels and story collections, as well as a couple of anthologies published, all dark. To find out about the latest, visit, or his board at

Vylar Kaftan writes science fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstream, and cleverly-phrased Post-It notes on the fridge. Her stories have appeared in Strange Horizons, ChiZine, and Clarkesworld, among other places. She lives in northern California and has a standard issue tie-dyed T-shirt to prove it. A graduate of Clarion West, she volunteers as a mentor for teenaged writers with the online group Absynthe Muse. Her hobbies include modern-day temple dancing and preparing for a major earthquake. She blogs at

Sonya Taaffe has a confirmed addiction to myth, folklore, and dead languages. Poems and short stories of hers have been shortlisted for the SLF Fountain Award, honorably mentioned in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, and reprinted in The Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase, The Best of Not One of Us, Fantasy: The Best of the Year 2006, and Best New Fantasy. A respectable amount of her work can be found in Postcards from the Province of Hyphens and Singing Innocence and Experience (Prime Books). She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Classics at Yale University.

Artist Bio

Liz Clarke’s fantasy and science fiction illustrations have appeared in various print and digital publications including Strange Horizons, Tales of the Talisman, Aberrant Dreams, Midnight Street, Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show and Jim Baen’s Universe. She won third place in the illustration category of the 2005 Strange Horizons Reader’s Choice Awards. She lives in Cape Town, South Africa and enjoys reading and writing fantasy books and listening to rock music. Her portfolio can be viewed at

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